Marlene Gray (Hoover)

Marlene was born in Wyoming Township; her moth-in-law was Dorothy Lent.  I asked her about the two spellings for the last name Lent and Lendt; she said that a family conflict decided which way they each wanted to spell it.

Her husband was William “Bill” Gray and was part of the survey crew for Interstate 35.  They were married in 1962 at St. John’s Lutheran Church.  They met at the Lakeside Dancing Hall in Harris while he was on leave from the military.

She said that where the Sunrise Mobile Home Park is currently located was a beautiful farm at one time.

The Methodist church was across the street from the school.

As far back as she can remember Sunrise Auto was there (at least an automotive station of some kind).

The property owned by AMW (2013) at 5795 Stacy Trail was both a post office and bank at one time.

The land the cemetery in Lent was donated by the Lent’s and Robertson’s; which plots still exist at no charge for some of the descendants.

Marlene worked at the Rustic Inn when she was about 13 years old; she thought that Fay Barrott owned the Rustic Inn at one point in time or at least worked there.

I asked Marlene if she was happy she made Stacy her home?  She said that she would never leave Stacy; “Stacy is her Home.”